The effectiveness of the Connect, Investigation, Analysis and Conclusion (CIAC) learning model in Promoting students’ Understanding on the Roles of Empirical Evidence in Science
This study aims to look at the effectiveness of the Connect, Investigation, Analyze and Conclution (CIAC) learning model on the Nature of Science (NOS) abilities of elementary school students on empirical characteristics. The research method used was a pre-experimental design with a One Group Pretest-Posttest Design with 38 elementary school students in Bandung Regency as the subject of research. Data collection methods used are questionnaires and observation. Meanwhile, to analyze the data using the normality test, homogeneity test, t test and gain test. The results showed that the average NOS pretest score of students on empirical properties was 2,56 and the average posttest NOS score of students on empirical properties was 2,86 this resulted in a gain value of 0,21. Based on the above results, the CIAC learning model can improve students' NOS abilities in the empirical aspect in elementary schools, especially girls if seen from the increase. In addition, students' interest in science is an important point in the acquisition of students' NOS abilities.
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