Relationships Between Social Networking and Students’ Academic Performance in Nigerian Public Universities in Ekiti State

Idowu Philip Ajewole, Abdulmalik Abdullahi, Adeseko Sunday Olaifa, Bashiru Ibrahim Ajadi, Yusuf Olatunji Onimago


This research examines the relationships between social networking and students’ academic performance in Nigerian public universities in Ekiti State to find out the major problems of social networking and ascertain the impact of social networking on students’ academic performance in Nigerian public Universities in Ekiti State. The study adopted a descriptive research design. The target population for the study constituted all the students in various Faculties and Departments in Nigerian public Universities in Ekiti State. The three public universities in Ekiti State that were used for the study are Federal University Oye-Ekiti, Ekiti State University and Bamidele Olumilua University of Education, Science and Technology, Ikere-Ekiti. The researcher's instrument used for data collection was titled: Relationships between Social Networking and Students' Academic Performance. The study analyzed the data collected using frequency counts, percentages, mean and standard deviation. The study revealed a dual impact of social networking platforms among Nigerian public university students in Ekiti State. Specifically, WhatsApp aids academic collaborations, but excessive usage of Facebook, Instagram and Twitter often hamper students’ academic focus. The study emphasized the need to balance online engagement with academics, advocating for awareness campaigns and interventions to optimize students' digital interactions in Ekiti State. The recommendations offered include awareness campaigns by educational institutions, promoting balanced social media use, replicating the study with a diverse sample, conducting longitudinal studies and harnessing positive social media aspects for education.


Social Networking; Students’ Academic Performance; Public Universities.

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