Readiness of Students’ Physical Activity Levels to Face the Beginning of Learning after Pandemic Transition

Toto Subroto, M Mudjihartono, Tri Martini, Helmy Firmansyah, Agus Gumilar, Eva Sri Gumilang, Sufyar Mudjianto, Jajat Darajat Kusumah Negara


School is a suitable setting for intervention program which is have a goal to promote physical activity and get benefit to be healthy. However, there is a growing concern that, situation of covid-19 pandemic that occurred in Indonesia has brought especially for teenagers to stay at home, online learning, and limitations in carrying out activities. The aim of this study was to measure and assess general levels of physical activity of children. This research method uses descriptive quantitative research method with a cross-sectional approach. This research was conducted at SMP Lab. School UPI with sampling technique used total sampling. The instruments used the PAQ-C (Physical Activity Questionnaire for Older Children) questionnaire to measure physical activity. The data analysis techniques in this study used percentage descriptive data analysis techniques. The results showed that the levels of physical activity students is 22% is quite low activity , 70% is moderate activity, and 8% is quite high activity. It can be concluded that physical activity of students in SMP Lab. School UPI is still good because almost relatively moderate activity and which has also been observed by authors is students almost all students are ready to carry out normal school and normal activities.


Covid-19, Physical Education, Physical Activity


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Copyright (c) 2024 Toto Subroto, Mudjihartono Mudjihartono, Tri Martini, Helmy Firmansyah, Agus Gumilar, Eva Sri Gumilang, Sufyar Mudjianto, Jajat Darajat Kusumah Negara

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