FRANCISOLA: Revue indonésienne de la langue et la littérature françaises (e-ISSN: 2527-5100 | p-ISSN: 2527-5097) is a double-blind peer-reviewed international journal of French language and literature. This journal is published, twice a year: at the end of June and at the end of December, by the Department of French Language Education, Faculty of Language and Literature Education - Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, in collaboration with Association des Professeurs de Français d'Indonésie (APFI) which is member of Fédération Internationale des Professeurs de Français (FIPF).
We publish research articles (in French and/or in English) on various subjects related to French language and literature, in the broad sense, and also to its teaching, which has never been published in other scientific journals.
Focus and scope of the journal can be seen detailed in here.

Vol 9, No 2 (2024): DECEMBER
This issue consists of 6 articles that have been disseminated at the Conférence Internationale sur le Français 2024 (the 2024 International Conference on French) in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Table of Contents
Hilda Dian Nova Novitasari, Tri Indri Hardini, Yuliarti Mutiarsih
60 - 71
Rohali Rohali, Siti Perdi Rahayu, Roswita Lumban Tobing, Herman Herman
72 - 81
Wahyu Tri Widyastuti
82 - 90
Andi Mustofa, Sebastian Martin Hibatullah
91 - 98
Nuringtyas Solihah, Hayatul Cholsy
99 - 107
Shabrinna Carlaanastasia, Sri Handayani
108 - 119