Examining the Relationship Between Social Media Addiction and Academic Procrastination Among Grade 11 Students

Lei Marie T. Balios, Catherine Joy P. Dela Madrid, Eunice Gwen D. Gigantana, Jovenil R. Bacatan


This study aimed to determine the significant relationship between social media addiction and academic procrastination among Grade 11 students. A simple random sampling technique was used which included 50 students. Through non-experimental quantitative descriptive-correlational research technique, validated questionnaire, Mean, and Pearson-Product Moment Correlation Coefficient (Pearson-r); results showed that the level of social media addiction was moderate or sometimes observed. It was also found that the level of academic procrastination was moderate or sometimes observed. There was no significant relationship between social media addiction and academic procrastination. This suggests that other factors, such as time management skills, motivation, and fear of failure, are more crucial in academic procrastination than social media use. It was recommended that future researchers investigate other factors affecting academic procrastination such as motivation, fear of failure, and personality traits.


Academic procrastination; Grade 11 students; Social media addiction

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/ijomr.v4i2.78270


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