Sururi Sururi, Udin Syaefuddin Sa'ud, Asep Suryana



Penilaian kinerja merupakan masalah penting karena dapat dilihat seberapa baik kepala sekolah telah melaksanakan fungsinya. Atas semua, Ketepatan pokok dalam melaksanakan fungsinya akan mempengaruhi pencapaian kinerja organisasi. Selain itu, hasil dari penilaian kinerja akan memberikan informasi penting dalam proses pengembangan pokok itu sendiri. Namun, seringkali tidak sesuai ketika mereka lakukan. Hal ini dapat disebabkan oleh banyak faktor, seperti ketidakjelasan kinerja makna diimplementasikan, karyawan ketidakpahaman mengenai kinerja yang diharapkan, instrumen penilaian kinerja ketidakakuratan, dan kinerja manajemen ketidakpedulian organisasi oleh pemimpin. Berdasarkan fakta bahwa, penelitian ini difokuskan pada analisis efektivitas penilaian kinerja di SMP di kabupaten Bandung Barat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penilaian kinerja donot seluruhnya dilihat untuk sekolah dan kepala sekolah developmentof profesional. Sebenarnya, instrumen yang digunakan cukup efektif dari sisi relevansi, sensitivitas, reliabilitas, akseptabilitas, kepraktisan. Tapi masih diperlukan objektivitas dari penilai. Dampak dari penilaian kinerja ini, bisa memperjelas tugas kepala sekolah dan dapat mendukung pengambilan making.But manajemen itu tidak dapat dirasakan secara signifikan oleh kepala sekolah belum.


Kata kunci: Penilaian kinerja, efektivitas instrumen pelaku penilaian kinerja.




The performance appraisal is an important issue because it is can be seen how well the school principal has been carrying out its functions. Over all, The precision of the principal in carrying out their functions will affect the achievement of organizational performance. Other than that, the result of the performance appraisal will provide important information in the process of developing the principal itself. However, it is often not appropriate when they do. This is can be caused by many factors, such as the obscurity of meaning performance is implemented, incomprehension employees regarding expected performance, inaccuracies performance assessment instruments, and passiveness  management performance of organization by the leader. Based on that fact, the research was focused on analyzing the effectiveness of the performance appraisal in the junior high school in West Bandung district. The results showed that the performance appraisal donot entirely be viewed for school and professional developmentof school principals. Actualy, the instruments used quite effectively from the side of relevance, sensitivity, reliability, acceptability, practicality. But still needed objectivity from assessors. The impact of this performance appraisal, could clarify the duties of school principals and can support management's decision-making.But it is can not be felt significantly by the principal yet.


Keywords: Principal Performance appraisal, effectiveness instrumen principals of the performance appraisal.

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