Wihda Islami Pathurahman


This research is motivated by the phenomenon of the letter أن in the Qur'an surah Al-A`rāf which is not in accordance with the basic theories of Arabic linguists regarding the letter أن. Researchers use the content analysis method. Based on research that has been done, it was found that in the Al-A`rāf letter there are several syntactic functions of Mu muwal muawwal from the letter أن with the words afterwards. The syntactic functions found are found in three i`rāb, namely rafa`, naṣab, and jar. From i`rāb rafa` there are those who occupy the positions of fā`il, mubtada, isim كان, and khabar mubtada; in i`rāb naṡab some occupy the positions of maf`ūl bih, khabar كان and his brothers, maf`ūl li ajlih, mustaṡnā muttaṣil, and ma`ṭūf to isim manṣūb; in i`rāb jar there are majrūr by jar letters, domiciled as muḍāf ilaih, and ma`ṭūf to isim majrūr.


Letters; أن ; Functions; Syntax

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