Ketepatan Kontruksi Butir Pilihan Ganda Bahasa Arab

Muhibbatul Laili


The study of construct validity on summative test items in multiple-choice Arabic aims to improve the test items' quality to make them valid in the construction aspect. The study was carried out on multiple-choice items based on the modified construction criteria instrument based on the Guttman scale. Items that match the indicator are marked with S and TS if they do not match. Based on a review of 40 items, it was found that the items were not suitable, namely: 25 items with unformulated stem clearly and firmly, two questions that pointed to the correct answer, and one question with pictures that confused. Meanwhile, other items are in accordance with all construct criteria indicators for multiple-choice questions. Based on the research results, the question maker must correct and pay attention to these aspects to produce a valid test kit.


Construct; Multiple choice; Summatif

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