Why is Masdar Important? An Investigating of Masdar and its Translation

Mia Nurmala, Asep Sopian, Nalahuddin Saleh, Syihabuddin Syihabuddin


The variety of Arabic word forms has presented difficulties and challenges in its translation. The Arabic word form or sigat requires the translator to take the most appropriate technique to produce a good and correct translation into Indonesian or vice versa. Masdar's translation often receives less attention which causes errors in the translation of various texts. There are many forms of masdar in the Qur'an, which are used as references in Arabic grammar. This study aims to know and understand the types and techniques of translation into the Indonesian language in juz one, and its implications for translation learning. The approach used in this study is a literature study. The research pattern used is descriptive analysis. While the source of reference in the form of books as a supporter is the books Tafsir, Nahwu, and Saraf. With that, researchers classify Masdar based on two categories; First, based on the shape, namely Masdar sarih. Second, Masdar based on its function consists of five kinds. The translation Masdar uses various translation techniques. In addition, the translation of Masdar into the Indonesian language has many patterns, both with verbs and nouns influenced by syntactic and translation techniques. 


Masdar; Translation learning; Translation techniques

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