Penerapan Tokkatsu pada Tema 4 Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (Studi Narative Inquiry pada Pembelajaran IPA Kelas II Sekolah Dasar di Masa Pandemi Covid-19)

Esih Yunengsih, Sri Wuryastuti, Tatang Suratno


In the current pandemic conditions, cleanliness and environmental health are very important; for this reason, researchers are trying to apply Tokkatsu activities in their daily activities during the Covid-19 pandemic. The purpose of this study is to refraction through special activities that focus on clean and healthy living in the student environment so that a small-scope practice that is applied will continue to be implemented. This research uses a qualitative approach with a narrative inquiry method. This research discusses in depth how to live a clean and healthy life during the Covid-19 pandemic, including special activities that focus on cleanliness and shape their responsible attitudes towards the environment they are in. In line with this, researchers apply Tokkatsu to theme 4 “Clean and Healthy Living” science learning in grade II because, according to researchers, if special Tokkatsu activities are applied to learning, it is very appropriate if clean living habits such as washing hands and wearing masks are applied, which generally people do not do regularly, especially school children. For this reason, students must do good habituation, which will later be able to invite people around them to do the same habits in the student’s home, class, or school environment. The results show that the application of Tokkatsu habits is very possible to be applied, of course with cooperation between parents, teachers and researchers themselves. The existence of this application makes the formation of student character regarding refraction to do a better life, especially in maintaining health.


Tokkatsu; Science Learning; Covid-19 Pandemic

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