Analisis Minat Belajar Siswa dalam Pembelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial Kelas V di Sekolah Dasar

Siti Syariah, Susilawati Susilawati, Ita Rustiati Ridwan


The research of analysis of the interests of fifth-grade students in elementary schools towards social sciences aims to find out students’ interest in studying social sciences. Students are less interested in studying social sciences. Interest is a permanent tendency to pay attention and remember certain activities. A person feels the interest is considered continuously accompanied by a sense of pleasure. This research uses qualitative methods in terms of case study methods. The object of the study was three fifth-grade students. Collecting research data used survey questionnaires and interviews. The data analysis techniques used data simplification, data presentation, conclusion withdrawal, or data verification. The results of this study show that students have different interests in studying social sciences. RA proportion of learning interest is 58% (sufficient), and teacher creativity is 53% (sufficient). SH has a 49% (sufficient) learning interest and 58% (sufficient) teacher creativity. MR is 38% (bad) in learning interest and 50% (sufficient) in teacher creativity. The learning interests of fifth-grade student MR are said to be lacking unless RA and SH are said to be sufficient. There are several aspects that affect the attention of students in fifth grade in elementary school in social sciences. They are divided into 2, namely the first internal aspect of the person himself and the second external aspect of school and family area. There is an effort to increase student learning attention in social sciences by producing exciting learning, increasing interest in social sciences use of learning media equipment and repositioning the teacher and parents to motivate and share encouragement so that students are more active learners.


Student Learning Interest; Social Science Learning; Elementary School

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