Media Wordwall sebagai Alat Penilaian Hasil Belajar dalam Menarik Minat Belajar Matematika Siswa

Lia Epriliyanti, Ajo Sutarjo, Muhammad Hanif


The world of education is expected to involve technology in the learning process as well as in the assessment of learning outcomes. Because the use of technology is felt to foster childrens’ interest in learning. At the State Elementary School of Jasinga 04, sixth-grade students lack interest in learning mathematics and the teacher has not implemented the use of alternative technology, the teacher must apply technology-based media. Wordwall is a web application that can be used to create game-based quizzes. This study aims to determine the use of Wordwall media as an assessment tool for learning outcomes in attracting students’ interest in learning mathematics in sixth-grade the State Elementary School of Jasinga 04. The approach used is a qualitative approach with a case study method. The research subjects were sixth-grade students as well as 6th homeroom teachers. Data collection in this study was through questionnaires and interviews. And the results prove that childrens’ interest increased by 33%. The homeroom teachers’ response also agreed that Wordwall media can clearly increase childrens’ enthusiasm and interest in learning mathematics. In conclusion, the use of Wordwall media as a tool for assessing mathematics learning outcomes in sixth-grade of the State Elementary School of Jasinga 04 can increase students’ interest in learning enthusiasm for mathematics.


Learning Assessment; Learning Interest; Mathematics; Wordwall

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