Cahyo Budi Utomo


To establish a qualified history teaching-learning equipped with a good constructivistic nuance requires teachers’ knowledge towards teaching-learning process. Besides comprehending subject matter, chosen teaching model, classroom management, and teaching media, teachers also need to comprehend scaffolding. Teachers’ knowledge towards the importance of scaffolding in history teaching in senior high school level is an important thing to get a good history teaching quality. The scaffolding implementation model in history teaching was the aim of the research.The development towards the metacognitively-oriented scaffolding implementation model in this study was conducted using teacher questionnaire analyzed through SmartPLS. The hipotetical model proposed on the first phase was confirmed by teachers’ response data that generated theoretical model. The next analytical model was then developed through model optimizing phase.Findings of the study show that the optimal model was the suittest scaffolding implementation model in metacognitively-oriented history teaching. Based on the optimal model, the changes on metacognitive construct can be explained by 63.2% of students’ activity construct. The changes on students’ activity construct can be defined by 73.9% of the scaffolding implementation construct. The changes on scaffolding implementation construct can be defined by 46.69% of the scaffolding development effort construct and by 41.8% of scaffolding comprehension construct. The improvement of teachers’ ability in the context of scaffolding was suggested to be one of important considerartions in the implementation of scaffolding in metacognitively-oriented history teaching in the classroom.


model, implementation of scaffolding, history teaching, metacognitive

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