Museum without Wall: Sejarah Publik Kreatif di Palembang (2017-2022)

Aulia Novemy Dhita


The historical community in Palembang plays a role in the development of public history in Palembang especially since the establishment of SCG Palembang in 2017. Through the concept of public history, local history in Palembang is not only acquired through formal education but also strives to provide creative historical education to Palembang people. Based on this, the problem of this research is how is the creativity of the public history community in Palembang (2017-2022) ?.The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative with interview and documentation data collection techniques. The results showed that the historical community in Palembang (SCB Palembang, Mang Dayat and PGG) played a role in developing public history in Palembang. The activities carried out by the community besides visiting the museum but also in museum without walls or outdoor public such as historical tours, historical discussions, walking tours, participating in historical issues in Palembang and others. They also carry out creative collaboration activities with historians or other professionals and between historical communities. Apart from individuals made private tour, those who are interested in this historical community also come from certain circles of society, such as from the Indonesian National Military-Naval Force in Palembang. Such creative collaboration is contextual and relevant to today's lifestyle, especially for Palembang people. In terms of quality, the people of Palembang have a positive interest in their involvement in the activities carried out by the historical community. This made a major contribution to efforts to strengthen the collective identity of Palembang people.


Keywords: Public History, Creative, Palembang, Museum without wall.

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