Water resources carrying capacity and local wisdom for environmental conservation in the Bali Island

Asep Mulyadi, Nana Nur Afriana, Millary Agung Widiawaty, Moh Dede


Bali is known for its unique nature and culture among tourists. Development and tourism activities have potential threats to environmental sustainability, as occurred in Tampaksiring Village, Gianyar. This research aims to analyze the water resource carrying capacity and local wisdom as inspiration for conservation actions. This research focuses on the Pura Tirta Empul's springs in Gianyar, Bali. Data came from field observations, literature studies, and official statistical information belonging to the local government. Water resource carrying capacity considers the discharge capacity and population, while local wisdom is critically examined against previous literature. This research shows that the Tampaksiring has a water deficit of 38-40 million liters per year. This phenomenon is triggered by logging forests and converting densely vegetated land into built-up land. The village of Tampaksiring has a local wisdom strategy for conserving water resources through Tri Hita Karana. In the local wisdom, there are three important elements in human life relationships with God, society, and the natural environment. Tri Hita Karana provides valuable directions for environmental conservation and rehabilitation.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/historia.v6i1.58168


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