Japanese Semiaspectual Forms -teshimau and -teoku as Discourse Markers

Nandang Rachmat, Hiroko Otsuka


This paper discusses the Japanese semi aspectual forms -teshimau and -teoku function as discourse markers which serve as speaker’s intentions of utterances for rapport management. In general, the semantic function of the morphological semi aspectual forms such as -teshimau and -teoku are explained as expressions of feelings of remorse or regret as well as preparatory actions, respectively. Both of them derived from the explanation of “completion” as a core meaning. The meanings mentioned above are also learned in elementary and pre-intermediate levels of Japanese language learning as a second language. However, the results of this research, which derived from analysis using I-JAS corpus dialogue data, indicate that in interpersonal discourse, these aspectual forms are used to show self-deprecating and modest attitudes, sentimental mood, or inevitable and difficult situations. Additionally, as a discourse marker, they are used to express utterance intentions such as showing speaker’s responsible recognition for the situation occurred, respecting the opinion of the interlocutor, and avoiding current topic to be continued. They also function as act of politeness due to the effects of “down graders” and “upgraders” in Spencer-Oatey's theory of rapport management, while in this research indicates that improperly use of -teoku might sound impolite depending on the utterance situations. Furthermore, it was found that they work as discourse markers for rounding up dialogs or shifting topics, and there are differences between -teshimau and -teoku in whether it is the interlocutor’s topic or the speaker’s topic that was being rounded up. For these reasons, second language acquisition requires learning about indicative meanings of these forms that function in the contexts and utterance situations, and the findings of this research will also contribute to the research of Japanese language teaching materials.


Discourse Markers; Rapport Management; Downgraders and Upgraders; Politeness; -Teshimau, -Teoku

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/japanedu.v6i1.33543


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