Effect Of Classroom Wall Design On Pupl’s Literacy In Ilorin East Local Government Area Of Kwara State
This study examined the effect of classroom wall design on pupils’ literacy in Ilorin East Local Government Area of Kwara State. Eighty primary two pupil’s in both private and public schools in Ilorin East Local Government Area of Kwara State were selected to participate in this study, the simple random sampling technique was used to select the sample. The research instrument titled Pupil’s Literacy Achievement Test (PLAT)was used for data collection. The research instrument was validated and tested for reliability. The reliability index of PLAT was determined using Pearson Product moment correlation (PPMC) which yielded (0.74) level of significance. Inferential statistics of Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) were used. Based on the findings, it shows that classroom wall design had no significant effect on pupil’s literacy, gender had no significant effect on pupil’s literacy, school type had no significant effect on pupil’s literacy, gender and school type had no significant effect on pupil’s literacy, interaction of gender and school type had no significant effect on pupil’s literacy, treatment and school type had no significant effect on pupil’s literacy, classroom wall design, gender and school type had no significant effect on pupil’s literacy in Ilorin East local government Area of Kwara State. It was concluded that learners should be encouraged to learn using classroom wall design, read the words on the wall design every day to improve their literacy.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/jpis.v32i1.57329
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