The Impact of Tourism Development on the Social and Economic Conditions of the Community in Nusa Lembongan Island

Anita Carolina Wijaya, Heri Puspito Diyah Setiyorini


The tourism industry is an economic sector that experiences rapid growth compared to other economic sectors. The emergence of numerous job opportunities, ranging from accommodation services, restaurants, tourist services, to souvenir businesses, has effectively aided the government in reducing high unemployment rates in the country. The contribution of foreign exchange to the national and regional treasury, which continues to flow, is also one of the positive impacts resulting from the rapid development of the tourism industry. This article shows tourism provides impact on society and the government on the island of Nusa Lembongan are seen from eight aspect among others : impact increasing of foreign exchange, impact toward local community income that increasing before tourism exist, impact toward higher prices than the real prices, impact toward employment for opportunity to local community, ownership and control of tourism accommodation, the distribution of benefits and advantage against indigenous village, development in general are seen from 4A tourism and government income of tax viewed from PHR.


Development Social Tourism, Economic in Tourism.

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