Using ECL Media to Improve Information Literacy of Islamic Elementary School Students

Ishmatun Naila, Muhammad Ridlwan, Lutfiyan Nurdianah


This research examines the use of ECL media to improve literacy information of Islamic elementary school students. The method used was repeated pre-experiment without a control class. The research design used was one group pre-test and post-test. Data were analyzed using paired t-test, n-gain calculation, and ANOVA using IBM SPSS Version 25. The results showed an increase in students' information literacy, which was statistically significant at 5% alpha after learning using ECL media. The mean n-gain for the three classes was in the medium category and does not differ in three experimental classes, and more than 90% students responded positively to the teaching using ECL media. Based on the results, ECL media effectively improved students' information literacy. This research will be a new reference to improve the information literacy of elementary school students, especially first graders, for teachers, parents, and students independently.


early class literacy media; information literacy; Islamic elementary student

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