The Heritage of The Megalithic Site of Sekala Brak and Its Implications in Learning Local History for Primary Schools
The research aims to 1) describe in depth the megalithic relics of Sekala Brak sites; and 2) to describe the design of local history learning materials based on megaliths relic of Sekala Brak. This research method is descriptive qualitative. Techniques used in data collection are techniques of observation, documentation, and literature study. Analysis of the data presented descriptively, that is to articulate and describe the findings of the data according to the problems studied. The results showed that: 1) The archeological relic found in the megalithic sites of West Lampung consisting of Situs Batu Brak, Batu Jagur, Megalitik Telaga Mukmin, Batu Bertulis (Prasasti Hujung Langit), Batu Tameng, Batu Jaya, Batu Bertulis Belalau, Batu Spadu/Batu Putri, Batu Nakka/Batu Tegak, dan Situs Batu Raja; 2) Material Design Local History Lampung implemented in Social Studies Learning of Elementary School include: a) Historic Sites, b) Artifacts and heritage, c) Local historical events of prehistoric times, and d) local historical events of the archipelago era.
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