Rahayu Herawati, Rustono W. S, Ghullam Hamdu


This research is development of the model of 4-D by Sivasailam Thiagarajan, Dorothy S. Semmel, and Melvyn I. Semmel. HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skill) Assessment developed by reason of necessity an example of assessment that develop and use higher order thinking skills of elementary school student. Based on the results of preliminary studies, found a lack of development and the use of the high-level thinking skills yet. The stages in this research are define, design, develop, and disseminate. Data were collected through interview, observation, and testing with collection tool using the questionnaires, observation sheets, and HOTS assessments. The results of the first test using the Anates statistical program shows the reliability test for multiple choice questions is 0.02, Validity Test with Product Moment Correlation r­xy= 0.009414 and Reliability Test with Split-Half Method r11= 0.03, while for description questions indicates the reliability test of 0.57 with Validity Test Product Moment Correlation r­xy= 0.399944 and Reliability Test with Split-Half Method r­­11= 1.20 were calculated using the Microsoft Excel program. After doing revision and the results of the second trials shows the reliability scores multiple choice test is 0.65 and 0.82 for description questions, and the results use manual counting shows the value of the Product Moment Correlation Test Validity rxy= 0.476118 and Reliability Test with Split-Half Method r11= 1.43. The final results showed that the products developed valid, practical, appropriate and feasible for development distributed.

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