A Bibliometric Analysis on Research Trends of Digital Leadership in Education
This study aims to comprehensively review research on 'digital leadership in education' by conducting bibliometric analysis of 60 publications from journal articles and proceedings between 2015 and 2023 using the Scopus database. Data analysis in this study consists of performance analysis and science mapping. Data analyses of co-authorship, bibliographic merging, keyword occurrence, and citations were performed on bibliometric meta-data using VOSViewer software. The study highlighted the number of publications, fields of study, affiliations, universities, countries, and the most productive and influential researchers. In addition, the study also identified research topics that researchers have been working on in recent years. The findings show that publications and citations have increased in the last five years. Malaysia, Indonesia, the United Kingdom, Greece, and the United States are this topic's most productive countries. Hera Antonopoulou (University of Patras, Greece) is the most productive researcher, while Turgut Karaköse (Firat University, Turkey) is the most influential author. The affiliation that contributed the most was the State University of Malang (Indonesia). The results of data analysis show that collaboration between authors who research this topic is still nil. This is an opportunity to open up opportunities for collaboration between authors.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/pdgia.v21i2.59082
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