
Issue Title
Vol 21, No 1 (2023) School Zone Policy System Evaluation and its Effects Towards Indonesian Education Abstract  PDF
Ricky Erlangga, Fadilla Purnia Putri, Aisyah Arij Dhoifah, Mia Ayu Damayanti, Windra Tunggawijaya, Fatih Akbar Rafsanjani
Vol 21, No 1 (2023) Go School Literacy Program Evaluation Through CIPP Model in SMP Hang Tuah Excellent Juanda Abstract  PDF
Maharani Gita Kusumawardani, Warih Handayaningrum
Vol 20, No 3 (2022) Relationship bentween Religious Coping and Self Competency Assesment with Parenting Stress in Parents of Children with Special Needs Abstract  PDF
Herlina Herlina, Ismawati Kosasih, Helli Ihsan, Tina Hayati Dahlan
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