Kusumasari Kartika Hima Darmayanti, Farida Kurniawati, Dominikus David Biondi Situmorang



Kasus bullying banyak terjadi di Indonesia yang mana melibatkan siswa sekolah. Hal itu menghambat proses belajar siswa sekolah. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengertian, dampak, pembagian dan cara menanggulangi bullying. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan studi literature mengenai teori dasar, dampak, pembagian dan cara menanggulangi bullying. Definisi bullying mengacu pada Olweus (1999), yang mendefinisikan bullying sebagai masalah psikososial dengan menghina dan merendahkan orang lain secara berulang-ulang dengan dampak negatif terhadap pelaku dan korban bullying di mana pelaku mempunyai kekuatan yang lebih dibandingkan korban. Sejalan dengan kemajuan teknologi, bullying tidak hanya terjadi secara face-to-face, namun juga terjadi pada platform media sosial. Beberapa praktisi pendidikan bisa menanggulangi dampak bullying dan meminimalisir angka bullying dengan beberapa program intervensi terhadap siswa sekolah dengan melibatkan orang tua, teman sebaya, pendidik, konselor sekolah, administrator sekolah, dan warga sekolah.



Bullying cases occur a lot in Indonesia, which involves school students. That hinders their learning process. The research aims to determine the understanding, impact, distribution and ways of overcoming bullying. The study uses a literature study approach on the basic theory, impact, division and ways to overcome bullying. The definition of bullying refers to Olweus (1999), which defines abuse as a psychosocial problem by repeatedly humiliating and demeaning others with negative impacts on abusers and victims of abuse where the perpetrator has more power than the victim. In line with technological advances, bullying does not only occur face-to-face, but also occurs on social media platforms. Some education practitioners can overcome the effects of bullying and minimize the number of bullying with several intervention programs for school students by involving parents, peers, educators, school counselors, school administrators, and school residents.


Bullying, Pembagian, Definisi, Dampak, Intervensi


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/pdgia.v17i1.13980


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