Japanese Learner Anxiety: Case Study of Language Anxiety in an Indonesian-Japanese Intercultural Discussion Forum

Sufi Chairunnisa, Hari Setiawan, Ari Artadi


This study analyzes the language anxiety of Japanese learners participating in an Indonesian-Japanese intercultural discussion forum. When communicating using a foreign language, learners experience anxiety caused by various factors. The purpose of this study is to find out what anxiety the participants feel and the factors that cause the anxiety. This study is qualitative research in which the results will be analyzed using questionnaires and interviews with 47 Japanese language learner respondents who have experience participating in Indonesian-Japanese intercultural discussion forums. The questions used in the questionnaire were questions related to FLA (Foreign Language Anxiety) according to Horwitz (1986). Based on the findings, the major keys showed that advanced-level certified learners (N2-N1) or the ones with more discussion exposures presented less anxiety than lower-class certified or less exposed individuals. The respondents with a higher language proficiency were found to be more confident about using vocabulary and constructing sentences properly, which allows easier communication. Interviews also underlined the problem of communication, especially in speaking and listening, because the nuances in vocabulary and pronunciation impeded communication. Respondents added that they became even more nervous when communicating with native speakers because of apprehension regarding grammatical correctness, suitable politeness, and fear of judgment. The study underscores the importance of structured exposure and practical engagement in alleviating language anxiety. Examples are more frequent intercultural forums, role-play, scenario preparatory workshops, and, generally, fostering peer networks in a spirit of learning cooperatively. Such approaches serve to give confidence in overcoming the psycholinguistic barrier in foreign language acquisition. This paper supports several important issues in designing supporting contexts for language growth and intercultural encounters which is vital for minimum level learners’ anxiety within the multilingual environment.


Anxiety; Foreign Language Anxiety; Intercultural Discussion; Second Language.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/japanedu.v9i2.66592


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Department of Japanese Language Education, Faculty of Language and Literature Education  
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
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