Penelitian tentang penggunaan model visuospatial (VS) untuk meningkatkan kemampuan kognitif pada mahasiswa calon guru biologi pada mata kuliah Anatomi Tumbuhan telah dilakukan secara diskriptif. Model-VS adalah model pembelajaran yang melibatkan kemampuan tiga dimensi (3D). Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui efektifitas model-VS dalam meningkatkan kemampuan kognitif mahasiswa melalui matakuliah anatomi tumbuhan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada mahasiswa semester empat, tahun 2011 di Universitas Siliwangi di Tasikmalaya, Jawa Barat. Jumlah sampel pada penelitian ini adalah 108 orang yang dibagi dalam tiga kelompok, masing-masing dengan tipe Model-VS berbeda, yaitu Induktif Play doh (IP), Induktif-Gambar (IG) dan Deduktif-Gambar (DG). Pengukuran kemampuan kognitif C1, C2 dan C3 dilakukan secara tertulis dengan menggunakan 32 item soal, sedangkan kemampuan menganalisis (C4) dan kemampuan berkreasi diukur dengan menggunakan item test berupa gambar 2D dan 3D secara terpisah. Kemampuan mengevaluasi (C5) diukur melalui pengamatan pada saat presentasi mahasiswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Model-VS dapat mengembangkan kemampuan kognitif mahasiswa. Model-VS dengan perlakuan Induktif-Gambar (IG) dapat mengembangkan pemahaman (C2) mahasiswa pada materi jaringan tumbuhan, sedangkan perlakuan Deduktif-Gambar (DG) mampu mengembangkan kemampuan mengaplikasinya (C3). Ketiga tipe Model-VS tidak dapat mengembangkan kemampuan analisis (C4) dengan baik melalui pengamatan mikroskopis. Akan tetapi, dalam Induktif-Play doh kemampuan mengingat (C1), mengevaluasi (C5) dan kreasi (C6) gambar 3D berkembang sangat baik.
The study on the implementation of visuospatial teaching models (VS-Model) for the enhancement of cognitive ability of prospective teacher on plant anatomy concept has been done descriptively. VSmodel is a model of learning to involve the ability of three-dimensional (3D). The study aimed to determine the effectiveness of VS-Model on improving cognitive ability of prospective biology teacher on plant anatomy concept. Participants of the study were 108 fourth semester biology education students attending Plant Anatomy Course in academic year of 2011 of Siliwangi University of Tasikmalaya, West Java. All participants were divided into three different class. Each class implemented three different type of VS-Model, e.g. Inductive Play doh (IP), Inductive Images (IG), and Deductive Images (DG). Cognitive abilities of C1, C2 and C3 were measured by a written test consisted of 32 item tests and the analyzing ability (C4) and creating ability (C6) were measured using 2D images and 3D images item tests respectively. To measure the evaluating ability (C5) of student it was conducted using observation method through student presentation. The results showed that the VS-Model can improve the cognitive abilities of students. VS-Model with Inductive-Images (IG) could improve student understanding (C2) on plant anatomy, whereas Deductive-Images (DG) was able to develop student ability to apply (C3) the concept of plant anatomy in a new learning object. All the three types of VS-Models could not well develop the analyzing (C4) ability of student through microscopic observation. In Inductive-Play doh (IP), however the ability of student to remember (C1), to evaluate (C5) and to create (C6) 3D images was very well developed.
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