Devi Ariandini, Sri Anggraeni, Any Aryani



Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi miskonsepsi siswa dengan analisis menggambar. Tiga puluh empat siswa di kelas 8 di sekolah menengah pertama digunakan sebagai subyek dalam penelitian ini. Teknik sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Data yang diperlukan untuk penelitian ini dikumpulkan melalui kuesioner, menggambar analisis rubrik, dan wawancara. Identifikasi Kesalahpahaman ditentukan dengan menggambar siswa berdasarkan menggambar kriteria klasifikasi oleh Kose (2008). Siswa diperintahkan untuk menarik tentang konsep fotosintesis setelah proses pembelajaran. Gambar siswa dianalisis dengan rubrik dan setelah itu mereka diwawancarai. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak semua tingkat kriteria menggambar dari tingkat 1 sampai 5 diidentifikasi. Dari hasil analisa, gambar paling banyak ditemukan adalah pada tingkat 4. Gambar pada tingkat 4 dikategorikan sebagai gambar lengkap konsep fotosintesis dan tidak ada kesalahpahaman ditemukan. Berdasarkan gambar mereka, ada siswa 2,9% diidentifikasi yang diselenggarakan kesalahpahaman. Ada perbedaan jumlah siswa yang diadakan kesalahpahaman antara gambar hasil analisis dan hasil wawancara. Dari hasil wawancara, ada siswa 35,2% dimiliki kesalahpahaman, lebih dari menggambar hasil analisis. Ini berarti bahwa identifikasi kesalahpahaman melalui analisis gambar tidak efektif. Kesalahpahaman siswa yang paling sering terjadi pada konsep fotosintesis adalah tempat berlangsungnya fotosintesis. Faktor yang membuat kesalahpahaman siswa yaitu karena siswa itu sendiri dan lingkungannya.


The aim of this study was to identify students’ misconception by drawing analysis. Thirty-four students on 8th grade at junior high school were used as subject in this study. The sample technique was used purposive sampling technique. Data required for this study were collected through questionnaire, drawing analysis rubric, and interview. Misconception identification was determined by students’ drawing based on drawing classification criteria by Kose. Students were ordered to draw about photosynthesis concept after learning process. Students’ drawings were analyzed by rubric and after that they were interviewed. The result showed not all criteria level of drawing from 1st level until 5th was identified. From the analysis result, the drawing most found was on 4th level. The drawing on 4th level was categorized as incomplete drawing of photosynthesis concept and no misconception found. Based on their drawing, there were 2,9% students identified which held misconception. There was difference amount of students which held misconception between drawings analysis result and interview result. From the interview result, there were 35,2% students held a misconception, more than drawing analysis result. It means that identification misconception through drawing analysis was not effective. The most students’ misconception on photosynthesis concept was the location of photosynthesis occurred. Factor that made students’ misconception because students’ itself and their environment.


fotosintesis; kesalahpahaman; konsep; menggambar analisis; concept; misconception; drawing analysis; photosynthesis

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