Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan kemampuan Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) guru biologi senior (mengajar > 20 th) dan guru junior ( mengajar < 10 th). Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian studi kasus, partisipannya adalah dua orang guru biologi junior dan dua orang guru biologi senior. Kemampuan ini diukur dengan meminta guru membuat CoRes dan PaP-eRs pada materi transportasi zat yang dilanjutkan dengan teknik wawancara. Data dianalisis dengan teknik deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa guru senior memunculkan tujuh konsep penting yang harus diajarkan sedangkan guru junior memunculkan antara delapan sampai 10 konsep. Guru senior lebih fokus pada konsep-konsep yang cenderung menimbulkan miskonsepsi dan pada bagian sulit dipahami oleh siswa seperti konsep difusi dan osmosis, serta pembelajaran lebih kepada penggunaan metode. Guru senior lebih fleksibel menggunakan strategi mengajar, disesuaikan dengan kondisi dilapangan dan keadaan siswa. Guru junior lebih fokus pada kedalaman materi dan model-model pembelajaran yang akan digunakan. Penggunaan strategi cenderung kurang fleksibel, lebih dikaitkan pada perencanaan yang sudah dibuat.
This study aims to describe the ability of a senior biology teacher (teaching > 20 years) and junior teachers (teaching < 10 years) on Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK). This research was a case study, and the participants were two junior biology teachers and two senior biology teachers. This ability was measured by asking teachers to make CoRes and PaP-ers on the transport of material substance, followed by interview. Data were analyzed with descriptive qualitative techniques. The analysis showed that the senior teachers raises seven important concept that should be taught while the junior teacher raises between eight to 10 concepts. The senior teachers were more focus on the concepts that lead to misconception, such as the concepts about diffusion and osmosis, and more to learning methods. The senior teachers were more flexible in the use of teaching strategies according to students conditions and circumstances. The junior teachers were focus more on the depth of the material and learning models that will be used. The use of strategies tend to be less flexible, more linked to the planning that has been made.
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