Optimizing Dhuha Lectures in the Islamic Religious Education Tutorial Program to Improve the Religious Character of Students

Balqis Nurmani, Nurti Budiyanti, Cucu Surahman, Muthia Yusranti, Noer Amrina Rosyada


This study aimed to discover how understanding and belief in the application of religious values in Dhuha lecture activities improve the religious character of UPI 2021 students. This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach. The survey subjects in this study were 50 Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) students, Class of 2021, who used the closed questionnaire method. The results showed that all survey subjects, namely 50 UPI students’ class of 2021, stated that they had understood, believed, and applied the religious values given by UPI to their Dhuha Tutorial PAI activities. Thus, it can be concluded that all survey subjects, namely 50 Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) students in the class of 2021, stated that PAI tutorials could educate and provide benefits.


Dhuha Lectures; Islamic Religious Education; Tutorial Program; Religious Character

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/t.v10i2.57315


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