Browse Title Index

Issue Title
Vol 4, No 1: June 2023 A Star (A*) Algorithm Implementation to Measure Shortest Distance from Universitas Negeri Medan to Kualanamu International Airport Abstract   PDF
Dedy Kiswanto
Vol 2, No 1: June 2021 Analisis User Interface Terhadap Website Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Balikpapan Dengan Menggunakan Metode Heuristic Evaluation Abstract   PDF
Ridha Auliya, Sri Rahayu Natasia, Intan Wahyu Nur Rachma, Mahiza Imam Ma’arif, Maulidhiyah Faizah, Moch. Fattah Ibnu Azmi
Vol 3, No 2: December 2022 Analysis of Quality in Project Quality Management Based on PMBOK® Abstract   PDF
Didik Suwito Pribadi, Cholid Fauzi, Ardhian Ekawijana
Vol 4, No 1: June 2023 Application of Deep Learning using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) Algorithm for Gesture Recognition Abstract   PDF
Ahmad Abuzar Alhamdani
Vol 4, No 2: Desember 2023 Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms in the Role of Hepatitis Patient Disease Classification Abstract   PDF
Daud Fernando, Faris Huwaidi, Muhammad Hafidz Ananto, Sahrial Pramadya
Vol 5, No 1: June 2024 Design and Implementation of REST API for Predicting the Recitation of the Qur'an using Machine Learning Abstract
Krisna Santosa, Rifdah Hansya Rofifah, Alfia April Riani, Indira Syawanodya, Iqbal Tawakal
Vol 4, No 1: June 2023 Design of Augmented Reality-Based Food Chain Learning Media for Grade V Elementary School Students Abstract   PDF
Alfia Dwi Handayani, Cita Dewi Pebriyana, Daniel Ahmad Gymanstiar, Indriani Nur Amanah, Rohma Milya Utami
Vol 4, No 2: Desember 2023 Design of Web-Based Incoming and Outgoing Letter Archiving Software for the West Kalimantan Provincial Inspectorate Abstract   PDF
Sebri Julianto
Vol 3, No 1: June 2022 Designing System Information DAMRI (SIRI) in an Effort to Improve Damri Transportation Services User in Bandung Abstract   PDF
Guntur Ramadhan, Fauzan Sukmapratama, Hafizh Firdaus Yuspriana, Dian Anggraini
Vol 4, No 1: June 2023 Determination of Mango Fruit Maturity on the Tree Based on Digital Image Processing and Artificial Neural Networks Abstract   PDF
Aditia Sanjaya, Ichwanul Muslim Karo Karo
Vol 3, No 2: December 2022 Development of Augmented Reality Based Learning Media on The Topic of Spatial Geometry for Elementary School Students Abstract   PDF
Lina Anggita Ahsani, Nepsta Ellynlouis Berthania, Anggraita Putri Kumala Dewi, Ulfatun Nisa Asy Syifa
Vol 4, No 1: June 2023 Development of Learning Media "Geoscan" Related to Geographical Characteristics of Indonesia as an Archipelago and Its Influence on Aspects of Life in Grade V Theme 1 Abstract   PDF
Alfiana Silvi Damayanti, Amalia Nur Alam, Anin Syafatia Rahma, Islam Dewana Bintang, Umi Amiroh Dwi Herawati
Vol 3, No 1: June 2022 Development of The "Kisah Si Jojo" Android Application Based on Augmented Reality with Unity 3D Abstract   PDF
Pinasti Dwi Utami, Cindy Rachmawati, Erliana Dewi Saputri, Ery Nur Widiyanto, Arum Sartika, Ulfa Ardianawati
Vol 3, No 1: June 2022 Exploration of Spontaneous Speech Corpus Development in Urban Agriculture Instructional Videos Abstract   PDF
Trisna Gelar, Aprianti Nanda
Vol 5, No 1: June 2024 Fastest Route for Public Health Center in Bandung with Dijkstra Algorithm and FP-Growth Recommendation in C++ Programming Language Abstract
Andika Eka Kurnia, Gregorius Christian Sunaryo, Muhammad Rafi Zamzami, Naila Melany, Rafi Nazhmi Nugraha, Rahma Dina Ariyanti
Vol 3, No 2: December 2022 Geographic Information System (GIS) Based Android Application for Mapping Geothermal Potential Areas Abstract   PDF
Ramaditya Firdaus
Vol 4, No 2: Desember 2023 Geometry and Color Transformation Data Augmentation for YOLOV8 in Beverage Waste Detection Abstract   PDF
Sabar Muhamad Itikap, Muhammad Syahid Abdurrahman, Eddy Bambang Soewono, Trisna Gelar
Violla Gunova
Vol 1, No 1: December 2020 Implementasi Metode XGBoost dan Feature Important untuk Klasifikasi pada Kebakaran Hutan dan Lahan Abstract   PDF
Ichwanul Muslim Karo Karo
Vol 2, No 2: December 2021 Implementation of JIProlog on an Android-based Song Expert System to Provide Song Recommendations Based on 16 Human Personality Types Abstract   PDF
Robby Akbar, Taufik Ridwan
Vol 3, No 1: June 2022 Implementation of the K-Neighbors Algorithm to Detect Diabetes Web Based Application Abstract   PDF
Mohammad Farrel Nur Rilwanu, Faris Huwaidi, Hibar Taufikurachman
Vol 3, No 2: December 2022 Innovation in Science Learning Using Augmented Reality in Animal Metamorphosis Materials Abstract   PDF
Rafika Widiastuti, Hestina Nur Rahmawati, Ayu Nimas Puspaningrum, Aura Suci Adillah Nur Aisyah, Khafidz Akmal Assidqi
Vol 1, No 1: December 2020 Klasifikasi Komentar Video Instruksional Populer Bertemakan Pekarangan Perkotaan menggunakan Auto-Keras Abstract   PDF
Trisna Gelar, Aprianti Nanda Sari
Vol 3, No 2: December 2022 Mixed Reality Game YU-GI-OH Abstract   PDF
Violla Gunova
Vol 2, No 2: December 2021 My Alphabet Application: Alphabet Introduction Learning Media for 1st-grade Elementary School using Augmented Reality Technology Abstract   PDF
Dwi Rahayu, Fitri Utami, Ismail Nur, Nada Laili, Respati Yuniati Rina Anddari, Sabrina Mulia
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