High school students’ teamwork ability in project-based learning of organic waste decomposition

Nur Rokhmani Tri Siswi


Teamwork is an important skill to develop through school learning. This ability affects how a learner can learn independently and with a group to obtain academic achievement. This study applies project-based learning on decomposing organic waste in the biology subject to help develop learners' teamwork skills. This study was used by one group pretest-posttest design. The data in this study were collected through the administration of Situational judgment test sheets on pretest and posttest and self-report sheet of teamwork ability. The data were analyzed descriptively quantitatively to produce a better understanding. As a result, the ability to work in teams measured has increased although the increase has not been significant (n Gain = 0.2). The implementation of project-based learning on waste decomposition had an advantageous effect on teamwork ability (d = 0.5). The results in this study indicate that fostering teamwork through Project Based Learning can be optimized in the public product stage. The suggestion for the future research is to conduct pre-treatment to the research participants in the form of introduction to collaborative learning. 


organic waste decomposition; project-based learning; teamwork ability

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/aijbe.v6i1.55529


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