Peran Intelijen dan Perang Psikologis pada Agresivitas Kampanye Militer Kekaisaran Genghis Khan

Novky Asmoro, Syaiful Anwar, Syamsul Maarif


The Mongol Empire, which prevailed in the 13th to 14th centuries, was one of the largest empires known in the history of world conquest. The stretch of the empire formed by Genghis Khan almost covers all of Eurasia, whose success story cannot be separated from the exploits of intelligence and psychological warfare that have been applied just like modern wars centuries after. Historical Research analysis in this article will try to juxtapose intelligence theories and Psychological Warfare so that the story of the Mongolian empire can be a valuable lesson for the study of strategy and philosophy of war as a reference for modern military strategy. The existence of a military campaign strategy is actually required to be adaptive in accommodating various war philosophies from any era in order to be able to support the success of each mission and operation.

Keywords: Mongol Empire, Genghis Khan, Intelligence, Psychological Warfare, Defense Strategy, Military Campaign


Novky Jurnal Historia Sejarah Perang Genghis Khan

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