Winny Liliawati, Nuryani Rustaman, D. Herdiwijaya, Dadi Rusdiana



Materi bintang mendapatkan porsi yang minim di Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) SMP. Bintang merupakan objek benda langit yang selalu tampak setiap harinya. Matahari sebagai bintang memberikan energi dan manfaat bagi kehidupan. Selain itu materi bintang identik dipelajari hanya oleh Astronomi. Padahal mempelajari bintang dapat dikaitkan dengan disiplin ilmu lainnya seperti Fisika, Kimia, Biologi, Geografi, serta lingkungan, kesehatan, keselamatan, dan teknologi. Sehingga pengetahuan siswa menjadi utuh dan menyeluruh. Studi mengenai pembekalan materi bintang kepada calon guru SMP dilakukan melalui pengembangan dan implementasi perkuliahan IPBA Terintegrasi Berbasis Kecerdasan Majemuk (ITB-KM). Desain penelitian yang digunakan yaitu pretest-postest control group Design. Sejumlah mahasiswa (n=51) terlibat sebagai subyek penelitian dengan satu kelas eksperimen menggunakan ITB-KM (n=25) dan satu kelas kontrol (n=26) yang tidak mengaitkan materi bintang dengan disiplin ilmu lainnya. Berdasarkan data tes awal kedua kelas tersebut masing-masing berdistribusi normal dan homogen secara siginifikan (5%). Kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol mengalami peningkatan penguasaan konsep bintang secara signifikan (5%) dari skor gain ternormalisasi sebesar 42% dan 19%. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa program ITB KM dapat meningkatkan penguasaan konsep bintang secara signifikan. Karakter diri yang tertanam yaitu demokratif, komunikatif dan kerja keras dengan kriteria membudaya (internalisasi) sedangkan karakter berpikir logis terstruktur, disiplin, kepekaan terhadap fenomena bintang, dan kejujuran dengan kriteria berkembang.


The star material get a minimal portion of the curriculum Junior High School. Star is a celestial object that always looks every day. The sun as a star energizes and benefits for life. Addition of identical mate-rial studied only by Astronomy. Though studying the star can be associated with other disciplines such as Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, as well as environmental, health, safety, and technology. The result that the knowledge of students become meaningful and complete. A study to develop an inte-grated Earth and Space Science course with multiple intelligences (ITB-KM) has been carried out. The study design used the pretest-posttest control group design. Instruments used include the integrated Earth and Space Science competence test, peer assessment for character, and self assessment for multi-ple intelligences. A number of prospective teachers (n=51) in Department of Physics Education who took Earth and Space Science course was participated in this study. The participants were divided into two groups: the experiment group (n=25) that was treated with ITB-KM and control group (n=26) that was subjected to regular course with multiple intelligences. The result indicated that the concept mastery of the students in the experiment group was significantly higher (95%) than that of control group with the normalized gain scores by 42% and 19%. The self characters that embedded through ITB-KM namely demokratif, communicative and hard working, began to internalize. The other self characters, such as structured logic thinking, discipline, sensitivity to star phenomena, and honesty fell into growing category.


IPBA terintegrasi; karakter diri; kecerdasan majemuk; integrated of Earth and Space Science; multiple intelligence; self characters

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