The Use of Mobile Learning in Schools as A Learning Media: Bibliometric Analysis

Zafrullah Zafrullah, Atika Miftah Ramadhani


This bibliometric research aims to evaluate previous academic work that has been carried out in the context of the use of mobile learning at school. Research method using bibliometric analysis from the Scopus Database. From the results of the analysis that has been carried out, it can be concluded that the two decades of analysis show significant growth in Mobile Learning studies, with 209 documents published by 98 sources and active participation from 602 authors, highlighting the synergy between individual and collaborative efforts in research that has a global reach. A special focus in 2020 illustrates the vital role of mobile learning in addressing educational challenges during the pandemic. The dominant contribution from Taiwan, especially through the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology and lead researcher Gwo-Jen Hwang, confirms the country's position as a leader in Mobile Learning research. Meanwhile, the journal "Computers and Education" emerged as the main source of literature. Topics such as motivation, augmented reality, mobile applications, mobile phones, surveys, and technology acceptance models show potential that has not yet been fully explored, promising innovations in mobile learning applications in schools.


Bibliometrics; Mobile learning; Schools

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