Profil literasi kelautan siswa SMKN Pulau Tidung melalui kegiatan ekstrakulikuler sekolah pantai Indonesia

Shafira Rizka Amani, Taufik Rahman, Bambang Supriatno


The purposes of this research were to identify ocean literacy profile students of Tidung Island vocational high school who participated in the Indonesian Beach School extracurricular activities. Indonesian Beach School is a program of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia which aims to disseminate and outreach information about coastal and marine ecosystems to improve the utilization of human resources through education. The ocean literacy profile assessed three domains, knowledge (include cognitive skill), attitude, and behavior. The research method used is quantitative descriptive research and the subject of this study are first and second-grade students of Tidung Island vocational high school were joined Indonesian Beach School extracurricular activities. To reveal the ocean literacy profile, we used Instrument Ocean Literacy adapted from Development of the International Ocean Literacy Survey: measuring knowledge across the world (Cannadyet al., 2018; Salma, 2019), Development of Ocean Literacy Assessment Instrument for High School Student (Hindrasti & Irawan, 2018). The results of this research revealed that domain knowledge 59% in the medium category, cognitive skill 41% in the medium category, attitude 80% in the high category, and behavior 50% in the high category. Through this research, we found that the ocean literacy profile of students of Tidung Island vocational high school is sufficient for the domain of knowledge, while domain attitude and behavior classified as good.


ocean literacy; extracurricular activities; Indonesia’s coastal school

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