Moderate Character Building Policy in Islamic Boarding Schools: A study at an Islamic boarding school in Malang

Muh. Hambali, Arna Ulinnuha, Mariam Eit Ahmed


Abstract The purpose of this study is to discuss moderate characteristics in Anwarul Huda Islamic boarding school Malang. Characters have identification with students in everyday life. Character gives image implications to individuals and institutions. The aspect of Islamic boarding school institutions is not just building an image, but instilling moderate speech and behavior. A moderate civilization requires space for continuous habituation. This requires a specific strategy that has been used. This strategy is a coaching tool to foster moderate attitudes of students. The method in this study is classified as descriptive research. The data obtained by the researcher will be used in describing the implementation of the takzir method on the formation of moderate character of students using primary and secondary data sources. Data collection is carried out by observation, interviews and documentation The results of this study obtain a moderate character, namely national commitment is realized by commemorating Indonesian holidays, multicultural awareness by respecting each other’s opinions when performing bahtsul masail, and non-violence, by not discriminating between senior and junior students supporting activities with roan (kerjabakti) and making articles and videos. The formation is influenced by the takzir method which includes four stages, the existence of rules, punishments, rewards, and consistency.


Abstrak Tujuan penelitian ini untuk membahas karakteristik moderat di pondok pesantren Anwarul Huda Malang. Penelitian ini tergolong penelitian kualitatis-deskriptif. Data yang diperoleh peneliti digunakan dalam mendeskripsikan implementasi metode takzir terhadap pembentukan karakter moderat santri dengan menggunakan sumber data primer dan sekunder. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa karakter moderat, mencakup: komitmen kebangsaan yang diwujudkan dengan memperingati hari besar negara Indonesia, kesadaran multikultural dengan saling menghargai pendapat saat melakukan bahtsul masail, dan sikap anti-kekerasan dengan tidak membeda-bedakan antara santri senior dan junior, kegiatan yang mendukung dengan roan (kerja bakti) serta membuat artikel dan video. Pembetukan tersebut dipengaruhi oleh metode takzir yag meliputi empat tahapan, adanya peraturan, hukuman, penghargaan, dan konsistensi.


Policy; Moderate Character; Islamic Boarding Schools; Takzir

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