Physicochemical, Organoleptic, and Acceptability Characteristics of Natural Flavoring Powder from Chicken Feet and Tomatoes

Siti Nurfuzti Fauziah, Desy Triastuti, Wiwik Endah Rahayu


Tomatoes have volatile components that can reduce the fishiness of chicken feet. This Study aimed to determine the physicochemical, organoleptic, and acceptability characteristics of natural flavoring powder from chicken feet with the addition of different concentrations of tomatoes. Data processed with ANOVA and significant differences analyzed using DMRT with a 5% error rate. Results of the best treatment T3 (40%) with irish coffee color, has a dissolving ability of 67.67 seconds, moisture content of 3.84%, has a savory taste, no fishy aroma, smooth texture, and liked by panelists. Natural chicken feet flavoring with the addition of tomato as much as 40% can be used as an alternative in processing food more delicious and healthier.


chicken feet; glutamic acid; natural seasoning powder; tomato

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