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Copyright (c) 2020 Areti Chalkiadaki, Marina Tomás-Folch

This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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Areti Chalkiadaki
Autonomous University of Barcelona
Primary education teacher with MSc in Management and Human Relations from the University of Bath, UK, and PhD in Education from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain. Currently seconded at the University of Athens, Greece. She has experience in teaching at all educational levels in the public and the private sector. She has published articles in international journals and has presented research mainly related to the topics of school culture and 21st century skills and practices in international conferences.
Marina Tomás-Folch
Autonomous University of Barcelona
Primary teacher, pedagogue and Doctor in Philosophy and Education Science at the University of Barcelona (UB). She has taught in the Area of Didactics and School Organisation in the Department of Applied Pedagogy of the Autonomous University of Barceloa. She has led many research projects on organisational culture, change processes, leadership, participation, decision making and gender at the university. Author of over ten books and numerous articles. She has worked for the Catalan educational administration on school autonomy and management.
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