The Implementation of Cooperative Problem-Solving Rubric Towards Turkish Fourth Grade Students

Gülçin Karakus, Gürbüz Ocak


This study aimed to develop an analytical rubric for teachers to observe and evaluate students’ performance in showcasing the cooperative problem-solving process. Thus, a rubric was prepared. Angles to evaluate the student performance were included and a quad rank scale was used in the rubric. Dimensions used in the rubric were based on the PISA 2015 cooperative problem-solving dimensions. The weighted kappa coefficient was calculated for reliability. The validity of the rubric was provided by taking into the opinions of experts. The dimensions used were; common understanding, communication, respect, solving problems together, discussion, and finding common solutions. The weighted kappa coefficient of the rubric was 660 on common understanding; 644 on communication; 835 on respect; 829 on solving problems together; 825 on discussion, and 822 on finding common solutions. Additionally, the rubric was validated by controlling the content, structure, and validity criteria. The results showed that the cooperative problem-solving rubric was reliable and valid to evaluate cooperative problem-solving skills. The rubric presented a comprehensive assessment and scoring for cooperative problem-solving skills.


cooperative learning; cooperative problem-solving; performance evaluation; problem-solving; rubric

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