Pengembangan Aplikasi Berbasis Multimedia pada Pembelajaran Tematik Kelas III Sekolah Dasar

Faisal Azmi Bakhtiar


The purpose of this study is to analyze the feasibility and practicality of multimedia-based products on thematic learning of earth change subtheme. This research was conducted on the third-grade students of Elementary School with a total number of 156 students as the respondents. This research used research development (R & D) design of Dick, Carey and Carey model. To see the effectiveness of the product developed by the group field test with 150 students. Result of t-test analysis showed tvalue = -8.97 <ttable = - 1.962 at significance level α = 0,05. There was a significant difference between the pre-test 53.56 <post-test 67.71 and the difference of 15.15. These results showed that multimedia developed effectively used in thematic learning. The results of student responses showed an average score of 79.75%. Response analysis results can be interpreted that multimedia-based applications are worth it to apply.


research and development; multimedia; thematic; learning media; elementary school

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