Examining vocabulary learning strategies and vocabulary size among Syrian EFL learners

Alaa Alnan, Hasliza Abd Halim


Research on vocabulary learning strategies plays a crucial role in understanding how individuals acquire and expand their vocabulary knowledge. While ample evidence indicates that Arab EFL learners possess a limited vocabulary size, there is a scarcity of studies focusing on Syrian EFL learners. Furthermore, investigating how vocabulary learning strategies may contribute to vocabulary knowledge remains relatively underexplored. This study has a three-fold objective: (i) to identify the vocabulary learning strategies most commonly employed by Syrian EFL learners, (ii) to examine the vocabulary size of Syrian EFL learners, and (iii) to investigate the impact of these strategies on vocabulary size. Two test instruments were used: the Vocabulary Learning Strategies Questionnaire (VLSQ) and the Vocabulary Size Test (VST). The VLSQ assessed participants’ strategy use, while the VST served as a diagnostic tool for measuring their vocabulary size. Our results revealed that Syrian secondary school EFL students generally exhibited a moderate use of learning strategies, with social learning strategies being the most frequently employed. Additionally, the results indicated that participants possessed a "low" vocabulary size, with 74% demonstrating proficiency in the range of 2000-3000 words. Correlational analyses further revealed a significant and positive relationship between vocabulary learning strategies and vocabulary size, suggesting that both social and metacognitive strategies contribute more to vocabulary size than other learning strategies. These findings provide valuable insights for educators and policymakers, emphasizing the importance of learning strategies and vocabulary size in language learning and overall proficiency development.


Syrian EFL learners; vocabulary learning strategies; vocabulary size

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