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Promoting Student's Problem-Solving Skills through STEM Project-Based Learning in Earth Layer and Disasters Topic

Firdha Sarah Kartini, Ari Widodo, Nanang Winarno, Lia Astuti


Located in the Pacific Ring of Fire, Indonesia is endangered by natural disasters. Through the changing of learning activity in a proper way by the application of STEM Project-Based Learning, future generations are expected to develop the knowledge and thinking skill to solve the problem. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate implementing STEM Project-Based Learning on student's Problem-Solving Skills. This research used a Pre-Experiment method with a One-Group Pretest-Posttest design and essay questions as data collection tools. In this research, 30 7th-grade students at one school in Bandung, Indonesia, were chosen as the participants. The data analysis showed significant improvement between student's Problem-Solving skills pretest and post-test (N-Gain=0.73). In addition, Idea-Finding is the most significant improvement during the Fact-Finding on the lowest. Based on the result, STEM Project-Based Learning is recommended to improve students' Problem-Solving Skills since they can use their integrated knowledge to solve a real-world problem.

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