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The Effect of Arduino-Based E-STEM Education on Students' Entrepreneurial Skills and STEM Attitudes
The research aims to determine the effect of Arduino-based E-STEM education on entrepreneurship skills and STEM attitudes of 4th-grade students within the scope of science and social studies education. This research was designed within the framework of the nested pattern of the mixed research method. "Single group pre-test-post-test experimental design" was used in the quantitative phase of the research. The sample consists of 20 fourth-grade students. "Science-Based Entrepreneurship Scale", "STEM Attitude Scale," and "Semi-Structured Interview Form" were used as data collection tools. The qualitative data obtained were analyzed with content analysis, and the quantitative data were analyzed with the SPSS 26.00 package program. When quantitative data were analyzed, It was determined that Arduino-based E-STEM education increased students' entrepreneurial skills (Z=-2.507, p: .012) and had a positive effect on their attitudes towards STEM (Z=-3.060, p: .001). When qualitative data were analyzed, the students reported growing interest in engineering and technology-related careers. They described how engineers use engineering design processes in the project preparation process, collaborate and support one another, take on responsibilities for the team, and feel a sense of accomplishment when the team succeeds.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/jsl.v6i4.60325
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