Enhancing Quality Education in Indonesia: A Literature Review of STEM-ESD Landscape Contributions
Integrating STEM-ESD enhances educational quality through interdisciplinary, hands-on learning experiences that foster deeper understanding and cultivate skills for real-world challenges. This paper presents a systematic review examining STEM-ESD implementation in Indonesia's educational context. Guided by four research questions, the study investigates the integration of STEM with ESD, its effectiveness, practical implementation approaches, and encountered constraints. Twenty-two articles published between 2018 and 2024 were analyzed from databases using a systematic review methodology, focusing on Scopus-indexed international journals accredited by SINTA. Articles were selected through keyword searches and screened for relevance based on specific criteria. The review involved data selection, adaptation of a coding instrument, identifying article patterns, and synthesizing findings. Results indicate that STEM-ESD is widely implemented in Indonesian education, significantly enhancing students' sustainability awareness and critical thinking skills. Effective approaches identified include project-based learning, the integration of STEM modules with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) principles, and inquiry-based teaching methods. Nonetheless, challenges remain, such as the predominance of scientific perspectives in ESD and the need for holistic approaches incorporating social sciences. This study contributes valuable insights into STEM-ESD integration within Indonesian education. It highlights the need for policy reforms emphasizing interdisciplinary approaches, enhanced teacher training, and a curriculum that comprehensively integrates STEM and sustainability concepts. Such reforms are essential to equipping educators to deliver effective learning experiences that prepare students for the complexities of sustainability challenges.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/jsl.v7i3.69046
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