Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics

Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics (pISSN: 2301-9468 and eISSN: 2502-6747) is a journal that publishes original papers researching or documenting issues in applied linguistics. It is published by UPT Balai Bahasa, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. This journal is indexed in DOAJ, EBSCO, Google Scholar, Scopus, and SINTA (S1).

Since Volume 7, the journal has regularly published three times a year in January, May, and September. We accept original research, conceptual, and best practice articles related to applied linguistics. The language studied can be any language such as but not limited to Arabic, English, French, German, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, indigenous and modern languages. It is important to bear in mind that the official language of the journal is English. 

Journal Homepage Image



Review Schedule

Annual review schedule is every February, June and October  
Posted: 2021-02-15 More...


IJAL applies Article Processing Charges (APCs) for the edition of May 2021 onwards.  
Posted: 2021-02-14 More...

Loss Submission


Dear Contributors of the Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics,

We have noticed that some of the submissions to the Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics has been missing due to malicious malware attack in October 2019. 

So, if you have submitted your manuscript(s) to the editor through the system, but have not heard anything back from the editorial team, and can provide a screenshot of your submisison as evidence, please contact


Sincerely your,

IJAL Editroial Team

Posted: 2020-05-17 More...

Submission Status

Submission Status  
Posted: 2020-04-22 More...

IJAL in Scimago Journal Ranking

IJAL now is Q2 Scimago Journal Ranking  
Posted: 2018-10-17 More...
More Announcements...

Vol 14, No 2 (2024): Vol. 14, No.2, September 2024

Table of Contents

Regular Articles

Agus Widyantoro, Siti Mukminatun, Asfar Arif Nurharjanto, Indah Permatasari
Ramli Ramli, Ahmad Nubli Gadeng, Daska Azis, Yunisrina Qismullah Yusuf, Razali Razali
Dwiyanto Djoko Pranowo, Roswita Lumban Tobing, Herman Herman, Cong Tran Van
Edelleit Rose Widyatmoko, Bernadette Kushartanti
Carlos Lenin Alvarez, Monica P. Tamayo, Jardel Coutinho dos Santos
Clément Ndoricimpa, Dilip P. Barad
Le Thanh Thao, Pham Trut Thuy
Lusia Neti Harwati, Mala Rajo Sathian
Riki Nasrullah, Dadang Suganda, Winci Firdaus, Hishamudin Isam
Mai Mowafy
Wasan Khalid Ahmed, Hussein Walid Alkhawaja, Vahid Nimehchisalem, Tamara Krishan
Wulan Fauzanna, Chow Ung T'Chiang, Azirah Hashim
Yatun Romdonah Awaliah, Dede Kosasih, Temmy Widyastuti, Ade Sutisna, Dian Hendrayana
Yenny Marlim
Refnaldi Refnaldi, Andi Muhammad Irawan, Slamet Setiawan, Sisri Ovalina
Sri Dewiyanti, Sri Nur Yuliyawati, Saudin Saudin, Lina Meilinda
Baraa Ahmed Shiekh Mohamed, Abdul Rahim Salam, Husam Masaoud Alwahoub
Dardanila Dardanila, Dwi Widayati, Gustianingsih Gustianingsih, Nur Hayati Harahap