Development of Basic Physics Practicum Based on Virtual Android Observatory to Facilitate Students' ICT Literacy Abilities
This research will be carried out at the basic physics laboratory of the physics education study program at Muhammadiyah University of Makassar. The long-term goal of this research is to produce a prototype model of a basic physics practicum based on the virtual android observatory to facilitate the ICT literacy skills of prospective physics teachers. Based on the results of basic physics practical trials, experiments on determining Earth's gravity, free fall motion, and the Doppler effect based on a virtual android observatory, among others, based on the results of observations from the implementation of basic physics practicals when viewed from the aspect of design ability. Experimental tools and materials for determining gravitational acceleration, free fall motion, and the Doppler effect. Overall, students have very good skills in designing tools, especially in the aspect of using cellphone sensors that are integrated into the virtual android observatory application. The conclusion is that the effectiveness of the results of basic physics practicum trials for determining the earth's gravity, free fall motion, and the virtual android observatory-based Doppler effect is in the very good category, namely 75.41%, and the results of the ICT literacy skills of prospective physics teacher students are in the good category, namely overall. students were able to use the virtual android observatory application as a whole with a proficient percentage level of 56.60%.
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